
rotary club

Indy Progressive Rotary Club focuses on connecting creative people, enhancing the community, and expanding our knowledge through interesting speakers, many of whom will be our own club members.

The club meets on the second and fourth Monday evening of each month at 6 p.m. at the Rathskeller at the Athenaeum (401 E Michigan St, Indianapolis, IN 46204). Look for us in the large ballroom to the right of the host stand as you enter. We also meet for additional service and community opportunities occasionally.

Club officers 

President: Faustin Ntala

Immediate Past-President: Tim Nation

Vice-President: Jeremy Efroymson

Treasurer: Brian Senninger

Secretary: Paula Goldberg

Questions? Contact President Faustin Ntala wazaalliance@gmail.com

This club is part of Rotary Club International which has 1.2 million members worldwide. It offers great resources for making a difference locally and around the world.